★Assistant Professor Fujii, Assistant Professor Matsui, Professor Nishiyasu et al. investigated stress markers in curling players in the cold
A research article by ARIHHP assistant professor FUJII Naoto (Research field: Exercise & Environmental Physiology), ARIHHP assistant professor MATSUI Takashi (Research field: Exercise Biochemistry & Physiology, Brain Energetics), ARIHHP professor NISHIYASU Takeshi (Research field: Exercise & Environmental Physiology) et al. was published in an international journal, Scandinavian Journal of Medicine & Science in Sports. This study investigated stress markers in curling players performing a practice match in the cold. In conclusion, the core temperature and thermal discomfort increase during a practice curling match in the cold. Some curling players may experience dehydration before the match, which could be exacerbated post-match. It is expected that the result of this research will be utilized for developing strategies aimed at improving the performance and recovery of curling athletes.
Scandinavian Journal of Medicine & Science in Sports