Core Faculty Members

Kokoro Division
  • SOYA Hideaki
  • Professor
  • Biochemistry of exercise, Neuroendocrinology, Neuroscience of exercise
  • View more
  • YASSA Michael A.
  • Visiting Professor
  • Sports Neuroscience
  • View more
  • Assistant Professor
  • Sport Psychology, Clinical Psychology, Clinical Sport Psychology
  • View more
  • OKAMOTO Masahiro
  • Assistant Professor
  • Exercise Biochemistry & Physiology, Sports Neuroscience
  • View more
  • KUWAMIZU Ryuta
  • Assistant Professor
  • Sport Neuroscience, Cognitive Neuroscience
  • View more
  • KOKUBU Masahiro
  • Assistant Professor
  • Psychology of Physical Education and Sport, Experimental Psychology, Motor Learning
  • View more
  • MATSUI Takashi
  • Assistant Professor
  • Exercise Biochemistry, Sport Neurobiology, Esports Science
  • View more
Waza Division
  • ONO Seiji
  • Professor
  • Physical fitness, Neuroscience, Motor Control
  • View more
  • TAKAGI Hideki
  • Professor
  • Biomechanics, Hydrodynamics
  • View more
  • ENOMOTO Yasushi
  • Associate Professor
  • Science of Health, Physical Education and Sports Science, Physical Strength Studies
  • View more
  • SENGOKU Yasuo
  • Associate Professor
  • Coaching Science in Swimming
  • View more
  • MAEMURA Hirohiko
  • Associate Professor
  • Training science, Coaching
  • View more
  • SADO Natsuki
  • Assistant Professor
  • Biomechanics
  • View more
  • TSUNOKAWA Takaaki
  • Assistant Professor
  • Biomechanics in Swimming
  • View more
Karada Division
  • OKURA Tomohiro
  • Professor
  • Exercise Epidemiology, Gerontological Health and Fitness
  • View more
  • OMI Naomi
  • Professor
  • Exercise & Sports Nutrition, Nutrition
  • View more
  • TAKAHASHI Hideyuki
  • Professor
  • Sports Medicine, Exercise Physiology
  • View more
  • TAKEDA Fumi
  • Professor
  • Public Health, Health Sociology, Health Education
  • View more
  • NAKATA Yoshio
  • Professor
  • Translational Research in Health and Sport Sciences
  • View more
  • NISHIYASU Takeshi
  • Professor
  • Exercise & Environmental Physiology
  • View more
  • FUJII Naoto
  • Associate Professor
  • Exercise & Environmental Physiology
  • View more
  • KOSAKI Keisei
  • Assistant Professor
  • Sports Medicine
  • View more
  • SAGAYAMA Hiroyuki
  • Assistant Professor
  • Exercise & Clinical Sport Nutrition
  • View more
  • MONMA Takafumi
  • Assistant Professor
  • Hygiene and Public Health, Applied Health Science
  • View more
Computational Sport Sciences Division
  • KITAHRA Itaru
  • Professor
  • Computer Vision, Visual Information Media
    * Affiliation: Center for Computational Sciences
  • View more
  • SUZUKI Kenji
  • Professor
  • Artificial Intelligence and Robotics
    * Affiliation: Institute of Systems and Information Engineering
  • View more
  • MATSUDA Akihiro
  • Professor
  • Mechanical Engineering, Polymer Materials Engineering, Computational Engineering, Nuclear Engineering
    * Affiliation: Institute of Systems and Information Engineering
  • View more
  • YAMAGIWA Shinichi
  • Associate Professor
  • High Performance Computing, Computer System Architecture, Sports Sciences
  • View more


  • UCHIZAWA Akiko
  • Researcher (Full-time)
  • KUROSAKI Erina
  • Researcher (Part-time)
  • HATA Toshiaki
  • Researcher (Part-time)
  • YANG Yongchang
  • Researcher (Part-time)

University Research Administrator (URA)

  • TAI Kaede
  • Researcher (Part-time) URA

Research Assistant (RA)

  • WAN Jiawei
  • Graduate School Doctoral Program
  • HUANG Juan
  • Graduate School Doctoral Program
  • MORIMOTO Eisuke
  • Graduate School Doctoral Program
  • ITO Akane
  • Graduate School Doctoral Program
  • IKAI mariko
  • Graduate School Master’s Program
  • UENO Soushiro
  • Graduate School Master’s Program
  • OZEKI Kohei
  • Graduate School Master’s Program
  • KUNII Tatsuma
  • Graduate School Master’s Program
  • Graduate School Master’s Program
  • ITAI Kyuma
  • Graduate School Master’s Program
  • SAGAWA Tomoka
  • Graduate School Master’s Program
  • TAKAHASHI Hikari
  • Graduate School Master’s Program
  • TAKUBO Narumasa
  • Graduate School Master’s Program
  • TOMITA Yudai
  • Graduate School Master’s Program
  • Graduate School Master’s Program
  • HASEGAWA Shiori
  • Graduate School Master’s Program
  • FUJII Ryoma
  • Graduate School Master’s Program
  • HONJO Yukina
  • Graduate School Master’s Program
  • SAEGUSA Teppei
  • Graduate School Master’s Program
  • YAMAMOTO Yukiho
  • Graduate School Master’s Program
  • SHIMAZU Ayaka
  • Graduate School Master’s Program
  • YAMAGISHI Shunzo
  • Graduate School Master’s Program

Office Staff

  • NARITA Reiko
  • Clerical staff
  • Clerical staff


Please see here.

Core Faculty Members

OKURA Tomohiro / Professor
Degree: Ph.D.
Research Fields: Exercise Epidemiology, Gerontological Health and Fitness

Go to Laboratory Website >>

Major Research Theme

  • Measurement and evaluation of physical fitness, physical function and health status in middle-aged and older adults
  • Development of systems, tools, and exercise programs for successful aging

Major Research Works

Yoon J, Sasaki K, Tateoka K, Arai T, Isoda H, Okura T: Evaluation of Cognitive and Physical Function Among Older Adults by Their Physical Activity: A Cross-Sectional Kasama Study, Japan. J. Alzheimers Dis., 96(4):1801-1812, 2023.
Yoon J, Sasaki K, Nishimura I, Hashimoto H, Okura T, Isoda H: Effects of desert olive tree pearls containing high hydroxytyrosol concentrations on the cognitive functions of middle-aged and older adults. Nutrients, 21;15(14):3234, 2023.
Seol J, Kokudo C, Park I, Zhang S, Yajima K, Okura T, Tokuyama K: Energy metabolism and thermoregulation during sleep in young and old females. Sci. Rep., 13(1):10416 (8 pages), 2023.
Seol J, Lim N, Nagata K, Okura T: Effects of home-based manual dexterity training on cognitive function among older adults: a randomized controlled trial. Eur. Rev. Aging Phys. Act., 20(1):9, 2023.
Tsunoda K, Nagata K, Jindo T, Fujii Y, Soma Y, Kitano N, Okura T. Acceptable walking and cycling distances and functional disability and mortality in older Japanese adults: an 8-year follow-up study. Health & Place, 79, 102952, 2023.
Seol J, Lee J, Park I, Tokuyama K, Fukusumi S, Kokubo T, Yanagisawa M, Okura T. Bidirectional associations between physical activity and sleep in older adults: a multilevel analysis using polysomnography. Scientific Reports, 12(1), 15399, 2022.
Yoon J, Isoda H, Ueda T, Okura T. Cognitive and physical benefits of a game-like dual-task exercise among the oldest nursing home residents in Japan. Alzheimer’s & Dementia-Translational Research & Clinical Interventions, 8(1), e12276, 2022.


ONO Seiji / Professor
Degree: Ph.D.
Research Fields: Physical fitness, Neuroscience, Motor Control

Major Research Theme

  • Influence of sensory information, including visual and equilibrium senses, on motor performance
  • Evaluation of physical fitness and motor skills using eye movements
  • Investigation of the mechanism of “active vision” in athletes and development of its biomarker
  • Evaluation of reactive motor performance using electromyography and electroencephalography

Major Research Works

Shinkai R, Ando S, Nonaka Y, Yoshimura Y, Kizuka T, Ono S. Importance of head movements in gaze tracking during table tennis forehand stroke. Human Movement Science, 90, 103124, 2023.
Yoshimura Y, Kizuka T, Ono S. The effect of real-world and retinal motion on speed perception for motion in depth. PLoS ONE, 18(3), e0283018, 2023.
Shinkai R, Ando S, Nonaka Y, Kizuka T, Ono S. Visual Strategies for Eye and Head Movements During Table Tennis Rallies. Frontiers in sports and active living, 4, 897373, 2022.
Numasawa K, Kizuka T, Ono S. The Effect of Target Velocity on the Fast Corrective Response during Reaching Movement, Journal of Motor Behavior, 54(6), 755-762, 2022.
Numasawa K, Kizuka T, Ono S. The influence of the motor command accuracy on the prediction error and the automatic corrective response. Physiology & Behavior, 250, 113801, 2022.
Miyamoto T, Numasawa K, Ono S. Changes in visual speed perception induced by anticipatory smooth eye movements. Journal of Neurophysiology, 127(4), 1198-1207, 2022.
Miyamoto T, Miura K, Kizuka T, Ono S. The effect of explicit cues on smooth pursuit termination. Vision Research, 189, 27-32, 2021.
Miyamoto T, Hirata Y, Katoh A, Miura K, Ono S. The influence of stimulus and behavioral histories on predictive control of smooth pursuit eye movements. Scientific Reports, 11: 22327, 2021.
Numasawa K, Miyamoto T, Kizuka T, Ono S. The relationship between the implicit visuomotor control and the motor planning accuracy, Experimental Brain Research, 239, 2151–2158, 2021.
Yoshimura Y, Kizuka T, Ono S. Properties of fast vergence eye movements and horizontal saccades in athletes. Physiology & Behavior, 235, 113397, 2021.


OMI Naomi / Professor
Degree: Ph.D.
Research Fields: Exercise & Sports Nutrition, Nutrition

Major Research Theme

  • Nutrition(dietary habits・food Consciousness・functional components in foods)and physical activity(sports・exercise)on bone metabolism
  • Effects of low energy availability and/or Relative Energy Deficiency in Sport (RED-S) on body, mind and performance
  • High Intensity Physical Activity and Nutrient Intake
  • Individualized Targeted Nutritional Support

Major Research Works

Yuya Kakutani, Akane Koiwa, Saori kamiya, Miho Ono, Ikuko Sasahara, *Naomi Omi. Why Do Athletes Choose Dietary Supplements? Reliability and Validity of the Dietary Supplement Choice Questionnaire (DSCQ) among Japanese College Athletes. Journal of Nutritional Science and Vitaminology , 64(4): 343-348, 2019.
Naomi Omi, Hideki Shiba, Eisaku Nishimura, Sakuka Tsukamoto, Hiroko Maruki-Uchida, Masaya Oda, Minoru Morita. Effects of enzynatically modified isoquercitrin in supplementary protein powder on athlete body composition: a randomized, placebo-controlled, doubleblind trial. Journal of the International Society of Sports Nutrition , 16: 39-48, 2019.
Satoshi Hattori, Ayaka Noguchi, Hitomi Ogata, Masashi Kobayashi, *Naomi Omi. The Effect of Maple Syrup Ingestion on Fat Oxidation During Incremental Exercise in Endurance Athletes. American Journal of Sports Science , 7(4): 149-154, 2019.
Yuki Aikawa, Umon Agata, Yuya Kakutani, Shoyo Kato,Yuichi Noma, Satoshi Hattori, Hitomi Ogata, Ikiko Ezawa, Naomi Omi. The Preventive Effect of Calcium Supplemetation on Weak Bones Caused by the Interaction of Exercise and Food Restriction in Young Female Rats During the Period from Acquiring Bone Mass to Maintaining Bone Mass. Calcified Tissue International, 98 : 94-103,2016.
Yuki Aikawa, Umon Agata, Yuya Kakutani, Michito Higano, Satoshi Hattori, Hitomi Ogata, Ikiko Ezawa, Naomi Omi. The Interaction of Voluntary Running Exercise and Food Restriction Induces Low Bone Strength and Low Bone Mineral Density in Young Female Rats. CALCIFIED TISSUE INTERNATIONAL, 97(1): 90-99, 2015.
Naomi Omi. Influence of exercise and sports on bone. J Phys Fitness Sports Med, 3:241-248,2014.
Hattori S, Park JH, Agata U, Oda M, Higano M, Aikawa Y, Akimoto T, Nabekura Y, Yamato H, Ezawa I, Omi N. Food restriction cause low bone strength and unusual bone morphology in exercised growing male rats. J Nutr Sci Vitaminol, 60:35-42 ,2014.
Umon Agata,Jong-Hoon Park, Satoshi Hattori, Yuki iimura, Ikuko Ezawa, Takayuki Akimoto, Naomi Omi. The Effect of Different Amounts of Calcium Intake on Bone Metabolism and Arterial Calcification in Ovariectomized Rats. J Nutr Sci Vitaminol, 59:29-36,2013.
Jong-Hoon Park, Naomi Omi, Motoyuki Iemitsu, Seiji Maeda, Ayako Kitajima Toshiya Nosaka, Ikuko Ezawa. Relationship between arterial calcification and bone loss in a new combined model rat by ovariectomy and vitamin D(3) plus nicotine. Calcif Tissue Int, 83: 192-201, 2008.
Naomi Omi, Toshitaka Nakamura, Ikuko Ezawa. Modulation of bone mass and turnover in growing rats by voluntary weight-bearing exercise and glucose supplementation. J. Nutr. Sci. Vitaminol. , 44: 409-421, 1998.
Naomi Omi, Naomi Morikawa, Ikuko Ezawa. The effect of voluntary exercise on bone mineral density and skeletal muscles in the rat model at ovariectomized and sham stages. Bone Miner, 24: 211-222, 1994.


SOYA Hideaki / Professor
Degree: Ph.D. (Medicine)
Research Fields: Biochemistry of exercise, Neuroendocrinology, Neuroscience of exercise

Go to Laboratory Website >>

Major Research Theme

  • Molecular mechanisms of the effect of exercise on brain function and mental health.
  • Searching the requirement of exercise for improving the brain fitness for comrortable lifestyle, and clarification of exercise effect

Major Research Works

Yook JS, Rakwal R, Shibato J, Takahashi K, Koizumi H, Shima T, Ikemoto MJ, Oharomari LK, McEwen BS, Soya H. Leptin in hippocampus mediates benefits of mild exercise by an antioxidant on neurogenesis and memory. Proc Natl Acad Sci USA, 116(22):10988-10993, 2019.
Suwabe K, Byun K, Hyodo K, Reagh ZM, Roberts JM, Matsushita A, Saotome K, Ochi G, Fukuie T, Suzuki K, Sankai Y, Yassa MA, Soya H. Rapid stimulation of human dentate gyrus function with acute mild exercise. Proc Natl Acad Sci USA,115(41): 10487-10492, 2018.
Matsui T, Omuro H, Liu YF, Soya M, Shima T, McEwen BS, Soya H. Astrocytic glycogen-derived lactate fuels the brain during exhaustive exercise to maintain endurance capacity. Proc Natl Acad Sci USA, 114(24): 6358-6363, 2017.
Okamoto M, Hojo Y, Inoue K, Matsui T, Kawato S, McEwen BS, Soya H. Mild exercise increases dihydrotestosterone in hippocampus providing evidence for androgenic mediation of neurogenesis. Proc Natl Acad Sci USA,109(32): 13100-13105, 2012.
Nasca C, Bigio B, Zelli D, de Angelis P, Lau T, Okamoto M, Soya H, Ni J, Brichta L, Greengard P, Neve RL, Lee FS, McEwen BS. Role of the astroglial glutamate exchanger xCT in ventral hippocampus in resilience to stress. Neuron, 96(2): 402-413, 2017.
Nishijima T, Piriz J, Duflot S, Fernandez AM, Gaitan G, Gomez-Pinedo U, Verdugo JM, Leroy F, Soya H, Nunez A, Torres-Aleman I. Neuronal activity drives localized blood-brain-barrier transport of serum insulin-like growth factor-I into the CNS. Neuron, 67(5): 834-846, 2010.
Shima T, Matsui T, Jesmin S, Okamoto M, Soya M, Inoue K, Liu YF, Torres-Aleman I, McEwen BS, Soya H. Moderate exercise ameliorates dysregulated hippocampal glycometabolism and memory function in a rat model of type 2 diabetes. Diabetologia, 60(3): 597-606, 2017.
Llorens-Martín M, Teixeira CM, Jurado-Arjona J, Rakwal R, Shibato J, Soya H, Ávila J. Retroviral induction of GSK-3β expression blocks the stimulatory action of physical exercise on the maturation of newborn neurons. Cell Mol Life Sci, 73(18): 3569-3582, 2016.
Hyodo K, Dan I, Kyutoku Y, Suwabe K, Byun K, Ochi G, Kato M, Soya H. The association between aerobic fitness and cognitive function in older men mediated by frontal lateralization. Neuroimage,125: 291-300, 2016.
Byun K, Hyodo K, Suwabe K, Ochi G, Sakairi Y, Kato M, Dan I, Soya H. Positive effect of acute mild exercise on executive function via arousal-related prefrontal activations: an fNIRS study. Neuroimage, 98: 336-345, 2014.
Yanagisawa H, Dan I, Tsuzuki D, Kato M, Okamoto M, Kyutoku Y, Soya H. Acute moderate exercise elicits increased dorsolateral prefrontal activation and improves cognitive performance with Stroop test. Neuroimage, 50(4): 1702-1710, 2010.
Okamoto M, Inoue K, Iwamura H, Terashima K, Soya H, Asashima M, Kuwabara T. Reduction in paracrine Wnt3 factors during aging causes impaired adult neurogenesis. FASEB J, 25(10): 3570-3582, 2011.
Matsui T, Soya S, Okamoto M, Ichitani Y, Kawanaka K, Soya H. Brain glycogen decreases during prolonged exercise. J Physiol, 589(Pt 13): 3383-3393, 2011.


TAKAGI Hideki / Professor
Degree: Ph.D. (Engineering)
Research Fields: Biomechanics, Hydrodynamics

Go to Laboratory Website >>

Major Research Theme

  • Biomechanical researches for competitive swimming
  • Research and development for swimming gears
  • Coaching studies for water polo

Major Research Works

Koga D, Tsunokawa T, Sengoku Y, Homoto K, Nakazono Y, Takagi H. Relationship between hand kinematics, hand hydrodynamic pressure distribution and hand propulsive force in sprint front crawl swimming. Frontiers in Sports and Active Living , DOI: 10.3389/fspor.2022.786459, 2022.
Takagi H, Nakashima M, Sengoku Y, Tsunokawa T, Koga D, Narita K, Kudo S, Ross S, Gonjo T. How do swimmers control their front crawl swimming velocity? Current knowledge and gaps from hydrodynamic perspectives. Sports Biomechanics , DOI: 10.1080/14763141.2021.1959946, 2021.
Takeda, T., Sakai, S., & Takagi, H. Underwater flutter kicking causes deceleration in start and turn segments of front crawl. Sports Biomechanics, 1-10, 2020. doi:10.1080/14763141.2020.1747528, 2020
Gonjo T, Kishimoto T, Sanders R, Saito M, Takagi, H. Front crawl body roll characteristics in a Paralympic medallist and national level swimmers with unilateral arm amputation. Sports Biomechanics, 1-17, 2019.
Narita K, Nakashima M, Takagi H. Effect of leg kick on active drag in front-crawl swimming: Comparison of whole stroke and arms-only stroke during front-crawl and the streamlined position. Journal of Biomechanics, 76:197-203, 2018.
Takagi H, Nakashima M, Sato Y, Matsuuchi K. Ross Sanders. Numerical and experimental investigations of human swimming motions. J Sports Sci, 34: 1564-1580, 2016.
Tsunokawa T, Nakashima M, Takagi H. Use of pressure distribution analysis to estimate fluid forces around a foot during breaststroke kicking. Sports Engineering, 18: 149-156, 2015.
Takagi H, Shimada S, Miwa T, Kudo S, Sanders R, Matsuuchi K. Unsteady hydrodynamic forces acting on a hand and its flow field during sculling motion. Hum Mov Sci, 38: 133-142, 2014.
Takagi H, Nakashima M, Ozaki T, Matsuuchi K. Unsteady hydrodynamic forces acting on a robotic arm and its flow field: Application to the crawl stroke. J Biomech, 47: 1401-1408, 2014.
Takagi H, Nakashima M, Ozaki T, Matsuuchi K. Unsteady hydrodynamic forces acting on a robotic hand and its flow field. J Biomech, 46: 1825-1832, 2013.
2003 Komoto Award of Sports Sciences in Tsukuba
1992 Young Investigator Award of Japan Society of Biomenicsnics



TAKAHASHI Hideyuki / Professor
Degree: Ph.D. (Medicine)
Research Fields: Sports Medicine, Exercise Physiology

Go to Laboratory Website >>

Major Research Theme

  • Effective conditioning for human high performance
  • Morphological and qualitative characteristics of skeletal muscle and sports performance

Major Research Works

Sagayama H, Kondo E, Tanabe Y, Uchizawa A, Evans WJ, Shankaran M, Nyangau E, Hellerstein M, Shiose K, Yoshida T, Yasukata J, Higaki Y, Ohnishi T, Takahashi H, Yamada Y. Comparison of bioelectrical impedance indices for skeletal muscle mass and intracellular water measurements in physically active young men and athletes. J. Nutr., 153: 2543-2551, 2023.
Matsuda T, Takahashi H, Nakamura M, Ogata H, Kanno M, Ishikawa A, Sakamaki-Sunaga M. Influence of the menstrual cycle on muscle glycogen repletion after exhaustive exercise in eumenorrheic women. J. Strength Cond. Res., 37(4): e273-e279, 2023.
Iwayama K, Tanabe Y, Yajima K, Tanji F, Onishi T, Takahashi H. Preexercise high-fat meal following carbohydrate loading attenuates glycogen utilization during endurance exercise in male recreational runners. J. Strength Cond. Res., 37(3): 661-668, 2023.
Namma-Motonaga K, Kondo E, Osawa T, Shiose K, Kamei A, Taguchi M, Takahashi H. Effect of Different Carbohydrate Intakes within 24 Hours after Glycogen Depletion on Muscle Glycogen Recovery in Japanese Endurance Athletes. Nutrients, 14: 1320, 2022.
Nakamura M, Naito T, Saito T, Takahashii A, Muraishi K, Hakamada N, Otomo M, Iizuka S, Nakamura D, Takahashi H. Countermeasures against heat and coronavirus for Japanese athletes at the Tokyo 2020 Olympic and Paralympic Games. Front Sports Act Living, 4: 878022, 2022.
Kondo E, Shiose K, Osawa T, Motonaga K, Kamei A, Nakajima K, Sagayama H, Wada T, Nishiguchi S, Takahashi H. Effects of an overnight high-carbohydrate meal on muscle glycogen after rapid weight loss in male collegiate wrestlers. BMC Sports Sci Med Rehabil ,13: 96, 2021.
Tanabe Y , Shimizu K, Kondo E, Yasumatsu M, Nakamura D, Sagayama H, Takahashi H. Urinary N-terminal fragment of titin reflects muscle damage after a soccer match in male collegiate soccer players. J. Strength Cond Res ,35: 360-365, 2021.
Ishibashi A, Kojima C, Tanabe Y, Iwayama K, Hiroyama T, Tsuji T, Kamei A, Goto K, Takahashi H. Effect of low energy availability during three consecutive days of endurance training on iron metabolism in male long distance runners. Physiol Rep , 8: e14494, 2020.
Kojima C, Ishibashi A, Tanabe Y, Iwayama K, Kamei A, Takahashi H, Goto K. Muscle glycogen content during endurance training under low energy availability. Med Sci Sports Exerc , 52: 187-195, 2020.
Takahashi H, Kamei A, Osawa T, Kawahara T, Takizawa O, Maruyama K. 13C MRS reveals a small diurnal variation of glycogen content in human thigh muscle. NMR Biomed, 28: 650-655, 2015.


TAKEDA Fumi / Professor
Degree: Ph.D. (Health Sciences)
Research Fields: Public Health, Health Sociology, Health Education

Go to Laboratory Website >>

Major Research Theme

  • National data analysis on physical activities and health outcomes of middle and elderly people in Japan
  • Work performance and health status of company employees
  • Psychosocial factors of sleep and mental health among athletes
  • Empirical research of factors and function of sense of coherence

Major Research Works

Tsuchida M, Monma T, Ozawa S, Kikuchi A, Takeda F: Lifestyle habit change related to presenteeism change among Japanese employees. AIMS Public Health, 11(3), 729-746, 2024.
Monma T, Yamashita K, Yoshida G, Fujita E, Miyazawa T, Ebine N, Matsukura K, Takeda S, Matamura M, Yamane M, Ando K, Omi N, Sagayama H, Takeda F: Prevalence of Poor Sleep Quality and its Association with Lifestyle Habits, Competition-Based Activities, and Psychological Distress in Japanese Student-Athletes during the COVID-19 Pandemic. Sleep Science, 17(01), e26-e36, 2024.
Hidaka K, Monma T, Fukushima H, Ozawa N, Iwata N, Terada K, Fukushima T, Takeda F: Development of adolescent childhood cancer survivors’ psychosocial issues scale. Pediatrics International, 65(1), e15664, 2023.
Tsuchida M, Monma T, Ozawa S, Kikuchi A, Takeda F: Relationships between lifestyle habits and presenteeism among Japanese employees. Journal of Public Health, 2023. DOI: 10.1007/s10389-023-02136-4
Ozawa S, Monma T, Tsuchida M, Kikuchi A, Takeda F: Health problems related to presenteeism among Japanese employees. Journal of Occupational and Environmental Medicine, 66(1), e1-e7, 2023.
Marumoto T, Monma T, Sawae Y, Takeda F: Mental health and psychosocial status in mothers of children with Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD): Differences by maternal ADHD tendencies. Child Psychiatry & Human Development, 2023. doi: 10.1007/s10578-023-01532-x
Monma T, Matsui T, Inoue K, Masuchi K, Okada T, Tamura M, Ishii T, Satoh M, Tokuyama K, Takeda F: Prevalence and risk factors of poor subjective sleep quality in elite judo athletes. Sleep and Biological Rhythms, 21, 289-297, 2023.
Kikuchi A, Monma T, Ozawa S, Tsuchida M, Tsuda M, Takeda F: Risk factors for multiple metabolic syndrome components in obese and non-obese Japanese individuals. Preventive Medicine , 153: 106855, 2021.
Monma T, Kohda Y, Yamane M, Mitsui T, Ando K, Takeda F: Prevalence and risk factors of sleep disorders in visually impaired athletes. Sleep Medicine , 79: 175-182, 2021.
Kohda Y, Monma T, Yamane M, Mitsui T, Ando K, Jesmin S, Takeda F. Mental health status and related factors among visually impaired athletes. Journal of Clinical Medicine Research, 11(11): 729-739, 2019.
Monma T, Takeda F, Noguchi H, Takahashi H, Watanabe T, Tamiya N. Exercise or sports in midlife and healthy life expectancy: an ecological study in all prefectures in Japan. BMC Public Health, 19(1): 1238, 2019.


NAKATA Yoshio / Professor
Degree: Ph.D.
Research Fields: Translational Research in Health and Sport Sciences
Go to Laboratory Website >>

Major Research Theme

  • Observational and interventional studies using epidemiological research methods
  • Translational research toward implementation and dissemination

Major Research Works

Shi Y, Wakaba K, Kiyohara K, Hayashi F, Tsushita K, Nakata Y. Effectiveness and Components of Web-Based Interventions on Weight Changes in Adults Who Were Overweight and Obese: A Systematic Review with Meta-Analyses. Nutrients, 15(1): 179, 2023.
Mitsuhashi R, Sawai A, Kiyohara K, Shiraki H, Nakata Y. Factors Associated with the Prevalence and Severity of Menstrual-Related Symptoms: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 20(1): 569, 2023.
Kim J, Mizushima R, Nishida K, Morimoto M, Nakata Y. Multi-Component Intervention to Promote Physical Activity in Japanese Office Workers: A Single-Arm Feasibility Study. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 19(24): 16859, 2022.
Nakata Y, Sasai H, Gosho M, Kobayashi H, Shi Y, Ohigashi T, Mizuno S, Murayama C, Kobayashi S, Sasaki Y. A Smartphone Healthcare Application, CALO mama Plus, to Promote Weight Loss: A Randomized Controlled Trial. Nutrients, 14(21): 4608, 2022.
Shigematsu R, Katoh S, Suzuki K, Nakata Y, Sasai H. Risk Factors of Sports-Related Injury in School-Aged Children and Adolescents: A Retrospective Questionnaire Survey. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 19(14): 8662, 2022.
Kim J, Mizushima R, Nishida K, Morimoto M, Nakata Y. Proposal of a Comprehensive and Multi-Component Approach to Promote Physical Activity among Japanese Office Workers: A Qualitative Focus Group Interview Study. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 19(4): 2172, 2022.
Tagawa K, Nakata Y, Yokota A, Sato T, Maeda S. Music attenuates a widened central pulse pressure caused by resistance exercise: a randomized, single-blinded, sham-controlled, crossover study. European Journal of Sport Science, 21(9): 1225-1233, 2021.
Okumatsu K, Yamauchi H, Kotake R, Gosho M, Nakata Y. Association between Endocrine Therapy and Weight Gain after Breast Cancer Diagnosis among Japanese Patients: A Retrospective Cohort Study. Medical Sciences, 9: 50, 2021.
Shigematsu R, Katoh S, Suzuki K, Nakata Y, Sasai H. Sports Specialization and Sports-Related Injuries in Japanese School-Aged Children and Adolescents: A Retrospective Descriptive Study. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 18(14): 7369, 2021.
Mizushima R, Nakata Y, Sasai H, Zuo X, Maeda S, Tanaka K. Comparison between volunteer- and expert-led versions of a community-based weight-loss intervention. Preventive Medicine Reports, 22: 101370, 2021.


NISHIYASU Takeshi / Professor
Degree: Ph.D. (Education)
Research Fields: Exercise & Environmental Physiology

Major Research Theme

  • Cardiovascular & respiratory control during exercise
  • Influence of environmental factors (water and ambient temperature and pressure) on cardiovascular & respiratory control during exercise
  • Cardiovascular & respiratory adaptations to exercise and changes in temperature and altitude
  • Cardiovascular & respiratory control in competitive athletes

Major Research Works

Fujimoto T, Sasaki Y, Wakabayashi H, Sengoku Y, Tsubakimoto S, Nishiyasu T. Maximal workload but not peak oxygen uptake is decreased during immersed incremental exercise at cooler temperatures. Eur J Appl Physiol, 116: 1819-1827, 2016.
Ichinose M, Ichinose-Kuwahara T, Kondo N, Nishiyasu T. Increasing blood flow to exercising muscle attenuates systemic cardiovascular responses during dynamic exercise in humans. Am J Physiol Regul Integr Comp Physiol, 309: R1234-R1242, 2015.
Fujii N, Tsuji B, Honda Y, Kondo N, Nishiyasu T. Effect of short-term exercise-heat acclimation on ventilatory and cerebral blood flow responses to passive heating at rest in humans. J Appl Physiol, 119: 435-444, 2015.
Fujii N, Tsuchiya S, Tsuji B, Watanabe K, Sasaki Y, Nishiyasu T. Effect of voluntary hypocapnic hyperventilation on the metabolic response during Wingate anaerobic test. Eur J Appl Physiol, 115: 1967-1974, 2015.
Delliaux S, Ichinose M, Watanabe K, Fujii N, Nishiyasu T. Cardiovascular responses to forearm muscle metaboreflex activation during hypercapnia in humans. Am J Physiol Regul Integr Comp Physiol, 309: R43-R50, 2015.
Tsuji B, Honda Y, Ikebe Y, Fujii N, Kondo N, Nishiyasu T. Voluntary suppression of hyperthermia-induced hyperventilation mitigates the reduction in cerebral blood flow velocity during exercise in the heat. Am J Physiol Regul Integr Comp Physiol, 308: R669-R679, 2015.
Fujii N, Honda Y, Komura K, Tsuji B, Sugihara A, Watanabe K, Kondo N, Nishiyasu T. Effect of voluntary hypocapnic hyperventilation on the relationship between core temperature and heat loss responses in exercising humans. J Appl Physiol, 117: 1317-1324, 2014.
Watanabe K, Ichinose M, Tahara R, Nishiyasu T. Individual differences in cardiac and vascular components of the pressor response to isometric handgrip exercise in humans. Am J Physiol Regul Integr Comp Physiol, 306: H251-H260, 2014.
Ichinose M, Watanabe K, Fujii N, Kondo N, Nishiyasu T. Muscle metaboreflex activation speeds the recovery of arterial blood pressure following acute hypotension in humans. Am J Physiol Regul Integr Comp Physiol, 304: H1568-H1575, 2013.
2008-11-19 22th University of Tsukuba, Kawamoto incentive award, Health and Sports Sciences section.


YASSA Michael A./ Visiting Professor
Degree: Ph.D.
Research Fields: Sports Neuroscience

Go to Laboratory Website >>


Major Research Theme

  • Developing exercise interventions to reduce or slow down cognitive decline

Major Research Works

Yaros JL, Salama DA, Delisle D, Larson MS, Miranda BA, Yassa MA. A Memory Computational Basis for the Other-Race Effect. Sci Rep , 9: 19399, 2019.
Stevenson RF, Reagh ZM, Chun AP, Murray EA, Yassa MA. Pattern separation and source memory engage distinct hippocampal and neocortical regions during retrieval. J Neurosci, 2019. DOI: 10.1523/JNEUROSCI.0564-19.2019
Montchal ME, Reagh ZM, Yassa MA. Precise temporal memories are supported by the lateral entorhinal cortex in humans. Nat Neurosci, 22(2): 284-288, 2019.
Zheng J, Stevenson RF, Mander BA, Mnatsakanyan L, Hsu FPK, Vadera S, Knight RT, Yassa MA, Lin JJ. Multiplexing of Theta and Alpha Rhythms in the Amygdala-Hippocampal Circuit Supports Pattern Separation of Emotional Information. Neuron, 102(4): 887-898, 2019.
Marquez F, Yassa MA. Neuroimaging Biomarkers for Alzheimer’s Disease. Mol Neurodegener, 14(1): 21, 2019.
Leal SL, Yassa MA. Integrating new findings and examining clinical applications of pattern separation. Nat Neurosci, 21(2): 163-173, 2018.
Suwabe K, Byun K, Hyodo K, Reagh ZM, Roberts JM, Matsushita A, Saotome K, Ochi G, Fukuie T, Suzuki K, Sankai Y, Yassa MA, Soya H. Rapid stimulation of human dentate gyrus function with acute mild exercise. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A, 9;115(41):10487-10492, 2018.
Stevenson RF, Zheng J, Mnatsakanyan L, Vadera S, Knight RT, Lin JJ, Yassa MA. Hippocampal CA1 gamma power predicts the precision of spatial memory judgments. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A, 115(40): 10148-10153, 2018.
Reagh ZM, Noche JA, Tustison NJ, Delisle D, Murray EA, Yassa MA. Functional Imbalance of Anterolateral Entorhinal Cortex and Hippocampal Dentate/CA3 Underlies Age-Related Object Pattern Separation Deficits. Neuron, 97(5):1187-1198, 2018.
Yassa MA. Brain Rhythms: Higher-Frequency Theta Oscillations Make Sense in Moving Humans. Curr Biol, 22; 28(2): R70-R72, 2018.
Sinha N, Berg CN, Tustison NJ, Shaw A, Hill D, Yassa MA, Gluck MA. APOE ε4 status in healthy older African Americans is associated with deficits in pattern separation and hippocampal hyperactivation. Neurobiol Aging, 221-229, 2018.
Zheng J, Anderson KL, Leal SL, Shestyuk A, Gulsen G, Mnatsakanyan L, Vadera S, Hsu FP, Yassa MA, Knight RT, Lin JJ. Amygdala-hippocampal dynamics during salient information processing. Nat Commun, 8: 14413, 2017.
Suwabe K, Hyodo K, Byun K, Ochi G, Fukuie T, Shimizu T, Kato M, Yassa MA, Soya H. Aerobic fitness associates with mnemonic discrimination as a mediator of physical activity effects: evidence for memory flexibility in young adults. Sci Rep, 11; 7(1): 5140, 2017.
Suwabe K, Hyodo K, Byun K, Ochi G, Yassa MA, and Soya H. Acute moderate exercise improves mnemonic discrimination in young adults. Hippocampus, 27(3): 229-234, 2017.
Leal SL, Noche JA, Murray EA, Yassa MA. Disruption of amygdala-entorhinal-hippocampal network in late-life depression. Hippocampus, 27(4):464-476, 2017.
Leal SL, Noche JA, Murray EA, Yassa MA. Age-related individual variability in memory performance is associated with amygdala-hippocampal circuit function and emotional pattern separation. Neurobiol Aging, 49: 9-19, 2017.
Reagh ZM, Murray EA, Yassa MA. Repetition reveals ups and downs of hippocampal, thalamic, and neocortical engagement during mnemonic decisions. Hippocampus, 27(2): 169-183, 2017.
Reagh ZM, Ho HD, Leal SL, Noche JA, Chun A, Murray EA, Yassa MA. Greater loss of object than spatial mnemonic discrimination in aged adults. Hippocampus, 26(4): 417-422, 2016.
Leal SL, Noche JA, Murray EA, Yassa MA. Positivity effect specific to older adults with subclinical memory impairment. Learn Mem, 23(8): 415-421, 2016.
Leal SL, Yassa MA: Neurocognitive aging and the hippocampus across species. Trends Neurosci, 38(12): 800-812, 2015.
Reagh ZM, Yassa MA. Object and spatial mnemonic interference differentially engage lateral and medial entorhinal cortex in humans. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A, 111(40): E4264-73, 2014.
Borota D, Murray E, Keceli G, Chang A, Watabe JM, Ly M, Toscano JP, Yassa MA. Post-study caffeine administration enhances memory consolidation in humans. Nat Neurosci, 17(2): 201-3, 2014.


ENOMOTO Yasushi / Associate Professor
Degree: Ph. D (Health and Sport Sciences)
Research Fields: Science of Health, Physical Education & Sports Science, Physical Strength Studies

Major Research Theme

  • Biomechanics of efficiency and economy in human movement
  • Development of endurance performance
  • Long term development of physical fittness

Major Research Works

Seki K, Kyröläinen H, Sugimoto K & Enomoto Y. Bioechanical factors affecting energy cost during runnning utilising different slops. Journal of Sports Sciences, 38(1): 6-12, 2020.
Seki K, H,Kyröläinen, Numazu N, Ohoyama-Byun K, Enomoto Y. Effects of joint kinetics on energy cost during repeated vertical jumping. Medicine & Science in Sports & Exercise, 51(3), 532-538, 2019.
Enomoto Y, Suzuki Y, Yokozawa T, Okada H. Running economy and gastrocnemius muscle length during running for Kenyan and Japanese elite distance runners. Biomechanics in Sports, Portuguese Journal of Sport Sciences, 483-485, 2011.
Enomoto Y, Kadono H, Suzuki Y, Chiba T, Koyama K. Biomechanical analysis of the medalists in the 10,000 metres at the 2007 World Championships in Athletics, New Studies in Athletics, 23: 61-66, 2008.
Nac/ Miyashita Award XXth Congress of International Society of Biomechanics
Secretery General, The 34th International Conferene on Biomechanics in Sports, July 18-22, 2016


SENGOKU Yasuo / Associate Professor
Degree: Ph.D. (Health and Sport Sciences)
Research Fields: Coaching Science in Swimming

Major Research Theme

  • Research in training method and swimming technique to enhance swimming performance
  • Physiological response during swimming and water exercise

Major Research Works

Sengoku Y, Nakamura K, Ando K: Relationship between blood glucose response and respiratory exchange ratio during intermittent incremental swimming test in well-trained swimmers. Japanese Journal of Sciences in Swimming and Water Exercise, 27: 9-15, 2024.
Muranaka M, Suzuki Y, Ando R, Sengoku Y. Change in short distance swimming performance following inspiratory muscle fatigue. Journal of Sports Medicine and Physical Fitness , 61, 1433-1440, 2021.
Sengoku Y, Yamakawa KK, Tsunokawa T, Narita K. Training to enhance underwater dolphin kick speed in elite swimmers: focusing on kick frequency and propelling efficiency. Research Journal of Sports Performance , 12: 396-407, 2020.
Sengoku Y, Nakamura K, Ogata H, Nabekura Y, Nagasaka S, Tokuyama K. Continuous glucose monitoring during a 100 km race – A case study in an elite ultra-marathon runner. Int J Sports Physiol Perform, 10: 124-127, 2015.
Sengoku Y, Tsunokawa T, Kobayashi K, Tsubakimoto S. Comparison of the training load during high intensity interval resisted training programed by different exercise duration In: Mason B(eds.)/Biomechanics and Medicine in Swimming XII/Australian Institute of Sports, 328-332, 2014.
Sengoku Y, Nakamura K, Takeda T, Nabekura Y, Tsubakimoto S. Glucose response after a ten-week training in swimming. Int J Sports Med, 32: 835-838, 2011.


FUJII Naoto / Associate Professor
Degree: Ph.D. (Health and Sport Sciences)
Research Fields: Exercise & Environmental Physiology

Major Research Theme

  • Peripheral Mechanisms Governing Heat Loss Responses
  • Cardiovascular & Respiratory Control During Exercise

Major Research Works

Fujii N, Kenny GP, McGarr GW, Amano T, Honda Y, Kondo N, Nishiyasu T. TRPV4 channel blockade does not modulate skin vasodilation and sweating during hyperthermia or cutaneous postocclusive reactive and thermal hyperemia. Am J Physiol Regul Integr Comp Physiol. , Apr 1; 320(4): R563-R573, 2021
Fujii N, Fujimoto T, Yinhang C, Dobashi K, Matsutake R, Amano T, Watanabe K, Nishiyasu T. Caffeine Exacerbates Hyperventilation and Reductions in Cerebral Blood Flow in Physically Fit Men Exercising in the Heat. Med Sci Sports Exerc. , Apr 1; 53(4): 845-852, 2021
Arnold JT, Lloyd AB, Bailey SJ, Fujimoto T, Matsutake R, Takayanagi M, Nishiyasu T, Fujii N. The nitric oxide dependence of cutaneous microvascular function to independent and combined hypoxic cold exposure. J Appl Physiol, Oct 1; 129(4): 947-956, 2020
Fujii N, McGarr GW, Kenny GP, Amano T, Honda Y, Kondo N, Nishiyasu T. NO-mediated activation of KATP channels contributes to cutaneous thermal hyperemia in young adults. Am J Physiol Regul Integr Comp Physiol. 318(2): R390-R398, 2020
Fujii N, Hara H, Enomoto Y, Tanigawa S, and Nishiyasu T. Effects of work-matched supramaximal intermittent vs. submaximal constant-workload warm-up on all-out effort power output at the end of 2 minutes of maximal cycling. Eur J Sport Sci, 19: 336-344, 2019
Fujii N, Kashihara M, Kenny GP, Honda Y, Fujimoto T, Cao Y, Nishiyasu T. Carotid chemoreceptors have a limited role in mediating the hyperthermia-induced hyperventilation in exercising humans. J Appl Physiol, 126: 305-313, 2019
Fujii N, Tsuji B, Honda Y, Kondo N, Nishiyasu T. Effect of short-term exercise-heat acclimation on ventilatory and cerebral blood flow responses to passive heating at rest in humans. J Appl Physiol, 1;119(5): 435-44, 2015


MAEMURA Hirohiko / Associate Professor
Degree: Ph.D. (Health and Sport Sciences)
Research Fields: Training science, Coaching

Major Research Theme

  • Research on exercise efficiency and economy in sprinters
  • Conditioning research in high-performance athletes
  • Coaching research on attention strategy and exercise performance

Major Research Works

Furuhashi Y, Hioki Y, Maemura H, Hayashi R. External Focus Affects Drop Jump Performance: Focusing on Different Aims and Words of Instruction. Journal of Human Kinetics, 89: 2023.
Muratomi K, Ota K, Komine T, Tanigawa S, YamazakiI K, Maemura H. The relationship between physical fitness characteristics and race patterns in male 400-m hurdlers. Japan J Phys Educ Hlth Sport Sci, 67: 715-729, 2022.
Ota K, Yoshida T, Ono K, Maemura H, Tanigawa S. Relationships between pelvic behavior and ground reaction force as well as leg swing velocity during the acceleration and full speed phase of sprint running. Japan J Phys Educ Hlth Sport Sci, 67: 793-808, 2022.
Kawama R, Okudaira M, Shimasaki T, Maemura H, Tanigawa S. Sub-elite sprinters and rugby players possess different morphological characteristics of the individual hamstrings and quadriceps muscles. Plos one, 16(10): 2021.
Kawama R, Okudaira M, Maemura H, Tanigawa S. Muscle- and Region-Specific Associations Between Muscle Size and Muscular Strength During Hip Extension and Knee Flexion in the Hamstrings. Journal of Sport Rehabilitation, 30(8): 1172-1177, 2021.
Kawama R, Okudaira M, David F, Maemura H, Tanigawa S. Effect of Knee Joint Angle on Regional Hamstrings Activation During Isometric Knee Flexion Exercise. Journal of Sport Rehabilitation, 11: 1-6, 2021.
Excellent Presentation Award (2022 The Japan Society of Coaching Studies)
Excellent Presentation Award (2023 The Japan Society of Coaching Studies)
Excellent Presentation Award (2023 Japan Society of Sprint Reseach)


YAMAGIWA Shinichi / Associate Professor
Degree: Ph.D. (Engineering)
Research Fields: High Performance Computing, Computer System Architecture, Sports Sciences

Go to Laboratory Website >>

Major Research Theme

  • Development of skill analysis system applying human motion bigdata

Major Research Works

Danhe Tian, Shinichi Yamagiwa, Koichi Wada. Heuristic Method for Minimizing Model Size of CNN by Combining Multiple Pruning Techniques. Sensors, 22(15), 5874, 2022.
Kato S, Yamagiwa S. Statistical Extraction Method for Revealing Key Factors from Posture before Initiating Successful Throwing Technique in Judo, Sensors, 21(17): 5884, 2021.
Yamagiwa S, Kawahara Y, Tabuchi N, Watanabe Y, Naruo T. Skill Grouping Method: Mining and Clustering Skill Differences from Body Movement BigData, Proceeding of International conference on BigData 2015, 2525-2534, IEEE, October 2015.
Yamagiwa S, Ohshima H, Shirakawa K. Development of Skill Scoring System for Ski and Snowboard. Sports Science Research and Technology Support, Communications in Computer and Information Science, 556. Springer, 2015.
Yamagiwa S, Ohshima H, Shirakawa K. Skill Scoring System for Ski’s Parallel Turns. Proceedings of the 2nd International Congress on Sports Sciences Research and Technology Support, 1: icSPORTS, 121-128, ScitePress, 2014.
Yamagiwa S, Gotoda N, Yamamoto Y. Space Perception by Acoustic Cues Influences Auditory-induced Body Balance Control. Proceedings of the International Congress on Sports Science Research and Technology Support, 1: icSPORTS, 30-40, ScitePress, 2013.


AMEMIYA Rei / Assistant Professor
Degree: Ph.D. (Health and Sport Sciences)
Research Fields: Sport Psychology, Clinical Psychology, Clinical Sport Psychology

Major Research Theme

  • Development of the psychological program for performance and health promotion
  • The efficacy of mindfulness training on athletes
  • Mental health problems such as burnout among athletes

Major Research Works

Amemiya R, Sakairi Y. The role of self-compassion in athlete mindfulness and burnout: Examination of the effects of gender differences. Personality and Individual Differences, 166(1): 110167, 2020.
Amemiya R, Takahashi G, Rakwal R, Kahata M, Isono K, Sakairi Y. Effects of yoga in a physical education course on attention control and mental health among graduate students with high sensory processing sensitivity. Cogent Psychology, 7:1, 1778895, 2020.
Amemiya R, Sakairi Y. The effects of passion and mindfulness on the intrinsic motivation of Japanese athletes. Personality and Individual Differences, 142: 132-138, 2019.
Amemiya R, Sakairi Y. The role of mindfulness in performance and mental health among Japanese athletes―An examination of the relationship between alexithymic tendencies, burnout, and performance―. Journal of Human Sport & Exercise, 14(2): 456-468, 2019.
Amemiya R, Machida Y, Yoshida M, Inagaki, K, Sakairi Y. Effects of Autogenic Training on the Momentary Mood States of University Students with Highly Sensitive. Japanese Journal of Autojenic Therapy, 37:17-28, 2017.
Amemiya R, Sakairi Y. Effects of mindfulness on athletes’ performance decrement. The Japanese Journal of Psychology, 88(5), 470-477, 2017.
Ueno Y, Iimura S, Amemiya R, Kase T. An approach to both recovery and growth following difficult situations—The perspective of resilience, posttraumatic growth, and mindfulness. Japanese psychological review, 59(4), 397-414, 2016
Amemiya R, Ueno Y, Shimizu, Y. Role of affective mechanisms and social skills in burnout among Japanese university athletes: Comparison of personal burnout level based on dual processing model. Journal of Health Psychology Research, 29(1), 25-37, 2016
Amemiya R. Does performance decrement predict competitive anxiety and secondary performance decrement in athletes? Stress management research, 12(2), 73-81, 2016.
Amemiya R, Sakairi Y. The role of athletes” mindfulness in alexithymia and bunrout. Japanese Journal of Sport Psychology, 42(2), 81-92.
Amemiya R, Yusa Y, Sakairi Y. Development of a Mindfulness Questionnaire for Athletes. Japanese journal of cognitive therapy, 8(1), 106-115, 2015
Incentive Award(Japanese Journal of Sport Psychology)
Best Research Award(Japanese Association of Mindfulness)
Poster Presentation Award(The Japanese Association of Health Psychology)


OKAMOTO Masahiro / Assistant Professor
Degree: Ph.D. (Health and Sport Sciences)
Research Fields: Exercise biochemistry & physiology, Sports neuroscience

Major Research Theme

  • Mild exercise and hippocamapal plasticity (Cognitive function and stress resistance)

Major Research Works

Okamoto M, Gray JD, Larson CS, Kazim SF, Soya H, McEwen BS, Pereira AC. Riluzole reduces amyloid beta pathology, improves memory, and restores gene expression chnages in a transgenic mouse model of early-onset Alzheimer’s disease. Translational Psychiatry, in press.
Nasca C, Bigio B, Zelli D, de Angelis ., Lau T, Okamoto M, Soya H, Ni J, Britcha P, Greengard P, Neve RL, Lee F, McEwen BS. Role of the astroglial glutamate exchanger xCT in ventral hippocampus in resilience to stress. Neuron, 96: 402-413, 2017
Pereira AC, Gray JD, Kogan JF, Davidson RL, Rubin TG, Okamoto M, Morrison JH, McEwen BS. Age and Alzheimer’s disease gene expression profiles reversed by the glutamate modulator riluzole. Mol Psychiatry, 22: 296-305, 2017
Shima T, Matsui T, Jesmin S, Okamoto M, Soya M, Inoue K, Liu YF, Torres-Aleman I, McEwen, Soya H. Moderate exercise ameliorates dysregulated hippocampal glycometabolism and memory function in a rat model of type 2 diabetes. Diabetologia, 60:597-606, 2017
Yook JS, Okamoto M, Rakwal R, Shibato J, Lee MC, Matsui T, Chang H, Cho JY, Soya H. Astaxanthin supplementation enhances adult hippocampal neurogenesis and spatial memory in mice. Mol Nutr Food Res, 60:589-599, 2016
Okamoto M, Yamamura Y, Liu YF, Lee MC, Matsui T, Shima T, Soya M, Takahashi, Soya S, McEwen BS, Soya H. Hormetic effects by exercise on hippocampal neurogenesis with glucocorticoid signaling. Brain Plasticity, 1: 149-158, 2015
Inoue K, Okamoto M, Shibato J, Lee MC, Matsui T, Rakwal R, Soya H. Long-Term Mild, rather than Intense, Exercise Enhances Adult Hippocampal Neurogenesis and Greatly Changes the Transcriptomic Profile of the Hippocampus. PLoS One, 10:e0133089, 2015
Okamoto M, Soya H. Mild exercise model for enhancement of hippocampal neurogenesis: A possible candidate for promotion of neurogenesis. JPFSM, 1: 585-594, 2012
Okamoto M, Hojo Y, Inoue K, Matsui T, Kawato S, McEwen BS, Soya H. Mild increases dihydrotestosterone in hippocampus providing evidence for androgenic mediation of neurogenesis. Proc Natl Acad Sci USA, 109: 13100-13105, 2012
Okamoto M, Inoue K, Iwamura H, Terashima K, Soya H, Asashima M, Kuwabara T. Reduction in paracrine Wnt3 factors during aging causes impaired adult neurogenesis. FASEB J, 10: 3570-3582, 2011


KUWAMIZU Ryuta/ Assistant Professor
Degree: Ph.D.
Research Fields: Sport Neuroscience, Cognitive Neuroscience

Major Research Theme

  • Physiological mechanisms for mild-exercise-enhanced executive function
  • Biomarker development for Sports neuroscience using pupil and blink measurement
  • Body-brain developmental linkages in early childhood
  • Subjective experiences and neural correlates of sport/exercise

Major Research Works

Damrongthai C#, Kuwamizu R#, Yamazaki Y, Aoike N, Lee D, Byun K, Torma F, Churdchomjan W, Yassa MA, Adachi K, Soya H. Slow running benefits: Boosts in mood and facilitation of prefrontal cognition even at very light intensity. bioRxiv, 2024.01.29.575971, 2024.
Kuwamizu R, Yamada Y. Physiological mechanism of acute exercise benefits for human cognition: possible involvement of dopamine release and central command. The Journal of Physiology, 602(6) 997-999, 2024.
Suwabe K, Kuwamizu R, Hyodo K, Yoshikawa T, Otsuki T, Zempo-Miyaki A, Yassa MA, Soya H. Improvement of mnemonic discrimination with acute light exercise is mediated by pupil-linked arousal in healthy older adults, Neurobiology of Aging, 133,107-114, 2024.
Fukuie T, Suwabe K, Kawase S, Shimizu T, Ochi G, Kuwamizu R, Sakairi Y, Soya H. Groove rhythm enhances exercise impact on prefrontal cortex function in groove enjoyers. Neuroscience, 531,117-129. 2023.
Kuwamizu R, Yamazaki Y, Aoike N, Hiraga T, Hata T, Yassa MA, Soya H. Pupil dynamics during very light exercise predict benefits to prefrontal cognition, NeuroImage, 277, 120244, 2023.
Yamazaki Y, Suwabe K, Nagano-Saito A, Saotome K, Kuwamizu R, Hiraga T, Torma F, Suzuki K, Sankai Y, Yassa MA, Soya H. A Possible contribution of the locus coeruleus to arousal enhancement with mild exercise: Evidence from pupillometry and neuromelanin imaging. Cerebral Cortex Communications, 4, 2 tgad010, 2023.
Zou L, Herold F, Ludyga S, Kamijo K, Müller N, Pontifex M, Heath M, Kuwamizu R, Soya H, Hillman C, Ando S, Alderman B, Cheval B, Kramer AF. Look into my eyes -What can eye-based measures tell us about the relationship between physical activity and cognitive performance? Journal of Sport and Health Science, 12, 5, 2023.
Kuwamizu R, Yamazaki Y, Aoike N, Ochi G, Suwabe K, Soya H. Pupil-linked arousal with very light exercise: Pattern of pupil dilation during graded exercise. The Journal of Physiological Sciences, 72, 23, 2022.
Kuwamizu R, Suwabe K, Chorphaka D, Ochi G, Fukuie T, Hiraga T, Hyodo K, Nagano-Saito A, Soya H. Spontaneous Eye Blink Rate Connects Missing Link between Aerobic Fitness and Cognition. Medicine and Science in Sports and Exercise, 53(7):1425-1433, 2021.
Kuwamizu R. Muscle Strength and Executive Function: High Grip Strength Young Males Can Get a Grip on Stroop Task. The bulletin of Yokohama City University: Humanities, 77, 177-192, 2020.


KOKUBU Masahiro/ Assistant Professor
Degree: Ph.D. (Human and Environmental Studies)
Research Fields: Psychology of Physical Education and Sport, Experimental Psychology, Motor Learning

Major Research Theme

  • Functions of attention and gaze in motor learning and control
  • Fast and accurate decision-making in sports situations
  • Relationship between movement and spatial perception based on sensory information
  • Various feedback information used in situations of physical education and sports

Major Research Works

Kokubu M, Higashi A, Murakami N, Araki M. An experimental study on the latency and velocity of vergence eye movements in university basketball players.Osaka Research Journal of Physical Education, 58: 1-12, 2020.
Mieda T, Kokubu M, Saito M. Rapid identification of sound direction in blind footballers. Experimental Brain Research, 237: 3221-3231, 2019.
Kikumasa S, Kokubu M. Temporal and spatial information used by baseball catchers when making decisions about fielding in pairs.Japan Journal of Physical Education, Health and Sport Sciences, 64(2): 613-624, 2019.
Oki Y, Kokubu M. Influence of attentional focus on long-distance throwing using hands with different skill levels. Research Journal of Physical Arts, 24(1): 21-30, 2019.
Kokubu M, Higashi A, Murakami N, Araki M. The relationship between the latency of vergence eye movements and shoot performance in women’s university basketball players. The Bulletin of Faculty of Health and Sport Sciences, 41, 1-6, 2018.
Kikumasa S, Kokubu M. Decision-making and visual search strategy of baseball catchers in a situation of giving directions on a play. Japanese Journal of Sport Psychology, 45(1): 27-41, 2018.
Kokubu M, Ando S, Oda S. Fixating at far distance shortens reaction time to peripheral visual stimuli at specific locations. Neuroscience Letters, 664, 15-19, 2018.
Oki Y, Kokubu M, Nakagomi S. External versus two different internal foci of attention in long-distance throwing. Perceptual and Motor Skills, 125(1): 177-189, 2018.
Kokubu M. A study on the judgment accuracy of volleyball referees by the analysis of challenge system.Journal of Volleyball Sciences, 19(1): 51-57, 2017.
Ando S, Komiyama T, Kokubu M, Sudo M, Kiyonaga A, Tanaka H, Higaki Y. Slowed response to peripheral visual stimuli during strenuous exercise.Physiology & Behavior, 161, 33-37, 2016.


KOSAKI Keisei/ Assistant Professor
Degree: Ph.D.
Research Fields: Sports Medicine

Go to Laboratory Website >>

Major Research Theme

  • Conditioning for the Internal Sports Injuries
  • Anti-aging for the Cardiovascular System and Kidneys

Major Research Works

Kosaki K, Park J, Matsui M, Sugaya T, Kuro-o M, Saito C, Yamagata K, Maeda S. Elevated urinary angiotensinogen excretion links central and renal hemodynamic alterations. Sci Rep, 13(1): 11518, 2023.
Kosaki K, Kumamoto S, Tokinoya K, Yoshida Y, Sugaya T, Murase T, Akari S, Nakamura T, Nabekura Y, Takekoshi K, Maeda S. Xanthine oxidoreductase activity in marathon runners: pothetial implications for marathon-induced acute kidney injury. J Appl Physiol (1985), 133(1): 1-10, 2022.
Mori S, Kosaki K, Tagata R, Kon K, Yasuda R, Nishitani N, Ishizu T, Maeda S. Acute influences of tennis services on cardiac output and brachial hemodynamics in young male tennis players. J Sci Med Sport, 25(12): 973-978, 2022.
Kosaki K, Tarumi T, Mori S, Matsui M, Sugawara J, Sugaya T, Kuro-o M, Saito C, Yamagata K, Oka K, Maeda S. Cerebral and renal hemodynamics: similarities, differences, and associations with chronic kidney disease and aortic hemodynamics. Hypertens Res, 45(8): 1363-1372, 2022.
Yoshioka M, Kosaki K, Matsui M, Okabe N, Saito C, Yamagata K, Kuro-o M, Maeda S. Association of circulating calciprotein particle levels with skeletal muscle mass and strength in middle-aged and older women. Hypertens Res, 45(5): 900-910, 2022.
Kosaki K, Takahashi K, Matsui M, Yoshioka M, Mori S, Nishitani N, Shibata A, Saito C, Kuro-o M, Yamagata K, Oka K, Maeda S. Sedentary time and estimated nephron number in middle-aged and older adults with or without chronic kidney disease. Exp Gerontol, 154: 111531, 2021.
Yoshioka M, Kosaki K, Matsui M, Takahashi K, Shibata A, Oka K, Kuro-o M, Saito C, Yamagata K, Maeda S. Physical activity, sedentary behavior, and skeletal muscle strength in patients with chronic kidney disease: an isotemporal substitution approach. Phys Ther, 101(7): pzab101, 2021.
Kosaki K, Tarumi T, Sugawara J, Tanahashi K, Kumagai H, Matsui M, Sugaya T, Osuka Y, Tanaka K, Kuro-o M, Saito C, Yamagata K, Maeda S. Renal hemodynamics across the adult lifespan: relevance of flow pulsatility to chronic kidney disease. Exp Gerontol, 152: 111459, 2021.
Kosaki K, Kamijo-Ikemori A, Sugaya T, Kumamoto S, Tanahashi K, Kumagai H, Kimura K, Shibagaki Y, Maeda S. Incremental short maximal exercise increases urinary liver-type fatty acid-binding protein in adults without CKD. Scand J Med Sci Sports, 30(4): 709-715, 2020.
Kosaki K, Kamijo-Ikemori A, Sugaya T, Tanahashi K, Sawano Y, Akazawa N, Ra SG, Kimura K, Shibagaki Y, Maeda S. Effect of habitual exercise on urinary liver-type fatty acid-binding protein levels in middle-aged and older adults. Scand J Med Sci Sports, 28(1): 152-160, 2018.


SAGAYAMA Hiroyuki / Assistant Professor
Degree: Ph.D. (Sports and Health Science)
Research Fields: Exercise & Clinical Sport Nutrition

Major Research Theme

  • Energy Metabolism
  • Total energy expenditure and body composition
  • Estimated energy requrements of free living condition
  • Energy balance

Major Research Works

Sagayama H, Yamada Y, Kondo E, Tanabe Y, Uchizawa A, Shankaran M, Nyangau E, Evans WJ, Hellerstein M, Yasukata J, Higaki Y, Ohnishi T, Takahashi H. Skeletal muscle mass can be estimated by creatine (methyl-d3) dilution and is correlated with fat-free mass in active young males. Eur J Clin Nutr., 77(3): 393-399, 2023.
Uchizawa A, Kondo E, Lakicevic N, Sagayama H. Differential risks of the duration and degree of weight control on bone health and menstruation in female athletes. Front Nutr., 26;9: 875802, 2022.
Uchizawa A, Funayama A, Osumi H, Enomoto Y, Zhang S, Tokuyama K, Omi N, Sagayama H. Food quotient assessments using one-week dietary records and food frequency questionnaires of young Japanese runners. J Nutr Sci Vitaminol., 68(1): 47-54, 2022.
Sagayama H, Racine NM, Shriver TC, Schoeller DA. Comparison of isotope ratio mass spectrometry and cavity ring-down spectroscopy procedures and precision of the doubly labeled water method in different physiological specimens. Rapid Commun Mass Spectrom,15;35(21): e9188, 2021.
Sagayama H, Yamada Y, Tanabe Y, Kondo E, Ohnishi T, Takahashi H. Validation of skeletal muscle mass estimation equations in active young adults: A preliminary study. Scand J Med Sci Sports, 31(10): 1897-1907. 2021.
Sagayama H, Yamada Y, Ichikawa M, Kondo E, Yasukata J, Tanabe Y, Higaki Y, Takahashi H. Evaluation of fat-free mass hydration in athletes and non-athletes. Eur J Appl Physiol., 120(5): 1179-1188, 2020.


SADO Natsuki / Assistant Professor
Degree: Ph.D.
Research Fields: Biomechanics

Major Research Theme

  • Mechanical execution mechanisms of human motion (especially maximal effort locomotion)
  • Morphological and mechanical plasticity and inter-individual differences in humans
  • Inter-relationship between physical and motor features
  • Methodological development of biomechanical measurement/analysis of the human body and motion

Major Research Works

Sado N, Fujimori T, Tobe N. Discrepancy between ‘contributing to’ and ‘sharing variance with’ the effective energy for height in high jump. Journal of Sports Sciences, 42(5), 425-433, 2024. DOI: 10.1080/02640414.2024.2335086
Sado N, Edagawa T, Fujimori T, Hashimoto S, Okamoto Y, Nakajima T. Hip and lumbosacral joint centre locations in Asian population: biases produced by existing regression equations and development of new equations. Journal of Biomechanics, 162, 111866, 2024. DOI: 10.1016/j.jbiomech.2023.111866
Hashimoto S, Fujimori T, Ohyama-Byun K, Okamoto Y, Nakajima T, Sado N. Distal muscle cross-sectional area is correlated with shot put performance. Journal of Biomechanics, 160, 111819, 2023. DOI: 10.1016/j.jbiomech.2023.111819
Sado N, Fujii N, Nonaka E, Miyazaki T. Judokas exhibit short response latency even to non-judo-specific external perturbation: Insights into the involuntary postural control ability in humans. Motor Control, 27(4), 818-829, 2023. DOI: 10.1123/mc.2023-0026
Sado N, Ichinose H, Kawakami Y. The lower limbs of sprinters have larger relative mass but not larger normalised moment of inertia than controls. Medicine & Science in Sports & Exercise, 55, 590–600, 2023. DOI: 10.1249/MSS.0000000000003064
Sado N, Yoshioka S, Fukashiro S. Pelvic elevation induces vertical kinetic energy without losing horizontal energy during running single-leg jump for distance. European Journal of Sport Science, 23(7), 1146–1154, 2023. DOI: 10.1080/17461391.2022.2070779
Sado N, Yoshioka S, Fukashiro S. Curved approach in high jump induces greater jumping height without greater joint kinetic exertions than straight approach. Medicine & Science in Sports & Exercise, 54(1), 120–128, 2022. DOI: 10.1249/mss.0000000000002761
Hans Gros Emerging Researcher Award. International Society of Biomechanics in Sports. 2024
Outstanding Doctoral Dissertation Award. Department of Multidisciplinary Sciences, The University of Tokyo. 2019
New Investigator Award (Poster & Oral) Gold Medal (1st Place). International Society of Biomechanics in Sports. 2018.
The First National High School Memorial Award. The University of Tokyo. 2016.



TSUNOKAWA Takaaki / Assistant Professor
Degree: Ph.D.
Research Fields: Biomechanics in Swimming

Major Research Theme

  • Research in evaluating fluid forces during swimming using pressure measurement
  • Motion capture analysis in swimming

Major Research Works

Nakazono Y, Shimojo H, Sengoku Y, Takagi H, Tsunokawa T. Impact of variations in swimming velocity on wake flow dynamics in human underwater undulatory swimming. Journal of Biomechanics, 165, DOI: 10.1016/j.jbiomech.2024.112020, 2024
Tsunokawa T, Shigehara H, Nakazono Y, Homoto K. The effects of flutter kick on active drag during front crawl swimming. Proceeding of the 14th International Symposium on Biomechanics and Medicine in Swimming, 581-583, 2023
Kadi T, Wada T, Narita K, Tsunokawa T, Mankyu H, Tamaki H, Ogita F. Novel Method for Estimating Propulsive Force Generated by Swimmers’ Hands Using Inertial Measurement Units and Pressure Sensors. Sensors, 22(17): 6695, 2022
Takagi H, Nakashima M, Sengoku Y, Tsunokawa T, Koga D, Narita K, Kudo S, Sanders R, Gonjo T. How do swimmers control their front crawl swimming velocity? Current knowledge and gaps from hydrodynamic perspectives. Sports Biomechanics, DOI: 10.1080/14763141.2021.1959946, 2021
Tsunokawa T, Mankyu H, Takagi H, Ogita F. The effect of using paddles on hand propulsive forces and Froude efficiency in arm-stroke-only front-crawl swimming at various velocities. Human Movement Science, 64:378–388, 2019
Kawai E, Tsunokawa T, Takagi H. Estimating the hydrodynamic forces during eggbeater kicking by pressure distribution analysis. Heliyon, 4: e01095, 2018
Tsunokawa T, Tsuno T, Mankyu H, Takagi H, Ogita F. The effect of paddles on pressure and force generation at the hand during front crawl. Human Movement Science, 57:409–416, 2018
Tsunokawa T, Narita K, Mankyu H, Ogita F, Takagi H. Estimation of propulsive forces acting on a hand using pressure measurement and underwater motion capture during front crawl. XIIIth International Symposium on Biomechanics and Medicine in Swimming Proceedings, Impress R&D, 166-172, 2018
Tsunokawa T, Nakashima M, Takagi H. Use of pressure distribution analysis to estimate fluid forces around a foot during breaststroke kicking.
Sports Engineering, 18(3):149–156, 2015
Tsunokawa T, Nakashima M, Sengoku Y, Tsubakimoto S, Takagi H. A new method to evaluate breaststroke kicking technique using a pressure distribution analysis. Biomechanics and Medicine in Swimming XII/Australian Institute of Sports, 263-269, 2014
International Symposium on Biomechanics and Medicine in Swimming, Archimedes Award, 2014


MATSUI Takashi / Assistant Professor
Degree: Ph.D. (Health and Sport Sciences)
Research Fields: Exercise Biochemistry, Sport Neurobiology, Esports Science

Go to Laboratory Website >>

Major Research Theme

  • Sports Neurobiology – Understanding and Overcoming Brain Fatigue
  • The Science of Mutual Prosperity – Cultivating Bonds and Teamwork through Sports and Budo
  • Esports Science – Enhancing Cognitive Performance and Social Bondong in Modern Society

Major Research Works

Funabashi D, Dobashi S, Sameshima K, Sagayama H, Nishijima T, Matsui T. Acute Vigorous Exercise Decreases Subsequent Non-Exercise Physical Activity and Body Temperature Linked to Weight Gain. Med Sci Sports Exerc. Published online June 6, 2024.
Matsui T, Takahashi S, Ochi G, Yoshitake S, Funabashi D, Matsuoka H, Kagesawa J, Dobashi S, Yoshimoto H, Sakairi Y, Takagi H. Cognitive decline with pupil constriction independent of subjective fatigue during prolonged esports across player expertise levels. Computers in Human Behavior, 156, 108219, 2024.
Matsui T. Exhaustive endurance exercise activates brain glycogen breakdown and lactate production more than insulin-induced hypoglycemia. Am J Physiol Regul Integr Comp Physiol, 320: R500-R507, 2021.
Matsui T, Liu YF, Soya M, Shima T, Soya H. Tyrosine as a Mechanistic-Based Biomarker for Brain Glycogen Decrease and Supercompensation with Endurance Exercise in Rats: A Metabolomics Study of Plasma. Front Neurosci, 13: 200, 2019.
Soya M, Matsui T, Shima T, Jesmin S, Omi N, Soya H. Hyper-hippocampal glycogen induced by glycogen loading with exhaustive exercise. Sci Rep, 8: 1285, 2018.
Matsui T, Omuro H, Liu YF, Soya M, Shima T, McEwen BS, Soya H. Astrocytic glycogen-derived lactate fuels the brain during exhaustive exercise to maintain endurance capacity. Proc Natl Acad Sci USA, 114: 6358-6363, 2017.
Shima T, Matsui T, Jesmin S, Okamoto M, Soya M, Inoue K, Liu YF, Torres-Aleman I, McEwen BS, Soya H. Moderate exercise ameliorates dysregulated hippocampal glycometabolism and memory function in a rat model of type 2 diabetes. Diabetologia, 60: 597-606, 2017.
Matsui T, Soya S, Kawanaka K, Soya H. Brain Glycogen Decreases During Intense Exercise Without Hypoglycemia: The Possible Involvement of Serotonin. Neurochem Res, 40: 1333-1340, 2015.
Matsui T, Ishikawa T, Ito H, Okamoto M, Inoue K, Lee M, Fujikawa T, Ichitani Y, Kawanaka K, Soya H. Brain glycogen supercompensation following exhaustive exercise. J Physiol, 590: 607-616, 2012.
Matsui T, Soya S, Okamoto M, Ichitani Y, Kawanaka K, Soya H. Brain glycogen decreases during prolonged exercise. J Physiol, 589: 3383-3393, 2011.
2014-04 American Physiological Society- Central Nervous System Section Research Recognition Award
2013-07 The Journal of Physiology-Early Investigator Prize
Matsui T. Physical and Physiological Implications of Esports. ICSSPE Critical Perspectives on Esports, Routledge, pp 99-113, 2024.
Matsui T, Soya M, Soya H. Endurance and Brain Glycogen: A Clue Toward Understanding Central Fatigue. Adv Neurobiol, 23: 331-346, 2019.


MONMA Takafumi / Assistant Professor
Degree: Ph.D. (Health and Sport Sciences)
Research Fields: Hygiene and public health, Applied health science

Major Research Theme

  • National data analysis on physical activities and health outcomes of middle and elderly people in Japan
  • Psychosocial factors of sleep and mental health among athletes
  • Work performance and health status of company employees
  • Sense of coherence and physical activities in elderly people

Major Research Works

Monma T, Matsui T, Inoue K, Masuchi K, Okada T, Tamura M, Ishii T, Satoh M, Tokuyama K, Takeda F. Prevalence and risk factors of poor subjective sleep quality in elite judo athletes. Sleep and Biological Rhythms, 2023.
Kikuchi A, Monma T, Ozawa S, Tsuchida M, Tsuda M, Takeda F. Risk factors for multiple metabolic syndrome components in obese and non-obese Japanese individuals. Preventive Medicine, 153, 106855, 2021.
Monma T, Kohda Y, Yamane M, Mitsui T, Ando K, Takeda F. Prevalence and risk factors of sleep disorders in visually impaired athletes. Sleep Medicine, 79, 175-182, 2021.
Monma T, Takeda F, Noguchi H, Takahashi H, Watanabe T, Tamiya N. Exercise or sports in midlife and healthy life expectancy: an ecological study in all prefectures in Japan. BMC Public Health, 19(1), 1238, 2019.
Monma T, Ando A, Asanuma T, Yoshitake Y, Yoshida G, Miyazawa T, Ebine N, Takeda S, Omi N, Satoh M, Tokuyama K, Takeda F. Sleep disorder risk factors among student athletes. Sleep Medicine, 2017. doi: 10.1016/j.sleep.2017.11.1130.
Monma T, Takeda F, Okura T. Physical activities impact sense of coherence among community-dwelling older adults. Geriatrics & Gerontology International, 17, 2208-2215, 2017.
Monma T, Takeda F, Noguchi H, Takahashi H, Tamiya N. The impact of leisure and social activities on activities of daily living of middle-aged adults: Evidence from a national longitudinal survey in Japan. PLOS ONE, 11(10), e0165106, 2016.
Monma T, Takeda F, Noguchi H, Tamiya N. Age and sex differences of risk factors of activity limitations in Japanese older adults. Geriatrics & Gerontology International, 16(6), 670-678, 2016.
Monma T, Takeda F, Tsunoda K, Kitano N, Hotoge S, Asanuma T, Okura T. Age and gender differences in relationships between physical activity and sense of coherence in community-dwelling older adults. Japanese Journal of Health and Human Ecology, 81(5), 159-169, 2015.
Takeda F, Noguchi H, Monma T, Tamiya N. How possibly do leisure and social activities impact mental health of middle-aged adults in Japan?: An evidence from a national longitudinal survey. PLOS ONE, 10(10), e0139777, 2015.


Faculty Members

KITAHARA Itaru / Professor
Degree: Ph.D.
  • Research Fields:
  • Computer Vision, Visual Information Media
    *Affiliation: Center for Computational Sciences, University of Tsukuba

Go to Laboratory Website >>

Major Research Theme

  • 3D Image Processing
  • Scene Understanding
  • Free-Viewpoint Video
  • Mixed Reality, Augmented Reality

Major Research Works

Daichi Kitaguchi, Koichiro Kumano, Ryotaro Takatsuki, Chun Xie, Shinji Hashimoto, Yoshimasa Akashi, Itaru Kitahara, Tatsuya Oda. Free-Viewpoint Video in Open Surgery: Development of Surgical Arena 360. Journal of Surgical Education, 81(3), 326-329, 2024.
Pragyan Shrestha, Chun Xie, Hidehiko Shishido,Yuichi Yoshii, Itaru Kitahara. 3D Reconstruction of Wrist Bones from C-Arm Fluoroscopy Using Planar Markers. Diagnostics, 13(2), 330, 2023.
Itsuki Ueda, Hidehiko Shishido, Itaru Kitahara. Spatio-Temporal Aggregation of Skeletal Motion Features for Human Motion Prediction. Elsevier Array, 100212, 2022.
Qiaoge Li, Oto Takeuchi, Hidehiko Shishido, Yoshinari Kameda, Hansung Kim, Itaru Kitahara. Generative Image Quality Improvement in Omnidirectional Free-Viewpoint Images and Assessments. IIEEJ Transactions on Image Electronics and Visual Computing, 10(1), 107-119, 2022.
Yamato Kanno, Chun Xie, Hidehiko Shishido, Yoshinari Kameda, Itaru Kitahara. Estimation of Mitt Movement Trajectory in Catcher Framing from Baseball Video. Proceedings of International Workshop on Advanced Imaging Technology (IWAIT) 2024, 1316420, 2024.
Naoki Tanaka, Hidehiko Shishido, Masashi Suita, Takeshi Nishijima, Yoshinari Kameda, Itaru Kitahara. Detection of Shot Information Using Footwork Trajectory and Skeletal Information of Badminton Players.” Proceedings of 11th International Conference on Sport Sciences Research and Technology Support (icSPORTS2023), 112-119, 2023.
Kana Sagawa, Hidehiko Shishido, Masashi Suita, Itaru Kitahara. Reaction Time Estimation Based on Recursive Short-Term Principal Component Analysis for Skeletal Information of Badminton Players. Proceedings of 11th International Conference on Sport Sciences Research and Technology Support (icSPORTS2023), 15-22, 2023.


SUZUKI Kenji / Professor
Degree: Dr.Eng
  • Research Fields:
  • Artificial Intelligence and Robotics
    *Affiliation: Institute of Systems and Information Engineering, University of Tsukuba

Go to Laboratory Website >>

Major Research Theme

  • Cybernics / Augmented Human / Biomedical Engineering
  • Social Interaction / Autism and Developmental Disorders Studies
  • Social Robotics / Cognitive Robotics
  • Energing Technologies

Major Research Works

Kondo Y, Bando K, Suzuki I, Miyazaki Y, Nishida D, Hara T, Kadone H, Suzuki K. Video-based Detection of Freezing of Gait in Daily Clinical Practice in Patients with Parkinsonism. IEEE Transactions on Neural Systems and Rehabilitation Engineering, 2024. doi: 10.1109/TNSRE.2024.3413055.
Torrendell SP, Kadone H, Hassan M, Chen Y, Miura K, Suzuki K. A Neck Orthosis With Multi-Directional Variable Stiffness for Persons With Dropped Head Syndrome. IEEE Robotics and Automation Letters, 9(7):6224-6231, 2024.
Kennard M, Hassan M, Shimizu Y, Suzuki, K+C34. Max Well-Being: a modular platform for the gamification of rehabilitation. Frontier in Robotics and AI, 11:1382157, 2024.
Zhou Y, Suzuki K, Kumano S. State-Aware Deep Item Response Theory using student facial features. Frontiers in Artificial Intelligence, 6:1324279, 2024.
Koizumi K, Hassan M, Hirokawa M, Suzuki K. Passive Add-On Mechanism for Electric Wheelchairs to Support Step Climbing Using Rider Motion. IEEE Robotics and Automation Letters, 9(4):3355-3362, 2024.
Ccorimanya L, Hassan M, Watanabe R, Ueno T, Hada Y, Suzuki K. A Personalized 3D-Printed Hand Prosthesis for Early Intervention in Children With Congenital Below-Elbow Deficiency: User-Centered Design Case Study, IEEE Access, 11:50235-50251, 2023.
Kennard, M. Yagi, K., Hassan, M., Kadone, K., Mochiyama, H. and Suzuki, K., Variable-Damper Control Using MR Fluid for Lower Back Support Exoskeleton, IEEE/ASME Transactions on Mechatronics, 28(1):579-587, 2023.
Lafitte MN, Kadone H, Kubota S, Shimizu Y, Tan CK, Koda M, Hada Y, Sankai Y, Suzuki K, Yamazaki M. Alteration of muscle activity during voluntary rehabilitation training with single-joint Hybrid Assistive Limb (HAL) in patients with shoulder elevation dysfunction from cervical origin, Frontiers in Neuroscience, 16:817659, 2022.
Hassan M, Shimizu Y, Hada Y, Suzuki K. Joy-Pros: A Gaming Prosthesis to Enable Para-Esports for Persons With Upper Limb Deficiencies. IEEE Access, 10:18933-18943, 2022.
Paez-Granados D, Kadone H, Hassan M, Chen Y, Suzuki K, Personal Mobility with Synchronous Trunk-Knee Passive Exoskeleton: Optimizing Human-Robot Energy Transfer. IEEE/ASME Transactions on Mechatronics, 27(5):3613-3623, 2022.


MATSUDA Akihiro / Professor
Degree: Ph.D.
  • Research Fields:
  • Mechanical Engineering, Polymer Materials Engineering, Computational Engineering, Nuclear Engineering
    *Affiliation: Institute of Systems and Information Engineering, University of Tsukuba

Go to Laboratory Website >>

Major Research Theme

  • Development of a new soft tennis court
  • The impact phenomenon of balls and equipment through large-scale computation
  • Research on mechanical property of automotive seat soft foam materials using CAE
  • Optimization factors affecting the support force of knee supporters

Major Research Works

Hayato Nakahara, Akihiro Matsuda. Finite element computation with anisotropic hyperelastic model considering distributed fibers for artificial and natural leather used in sports. Bulletin of JSME, Mechanical Engineering Journal, 7(4), 1-16, 2020.
Kohei Yasui, Akihiro Matsuda. Factors affecting the modeling of pressure drop of HEPA filters for nuclear power plants during fire accident. 3rd International Conference on Computational Engineering and Science for Safety and Environmental Problems (COMPSAFE2020), MS10-2-05, 210-214, 2020.
Shintaro Tanaka, Akihiro Matsuda. Numerical study on electric cable fire considering thermal degradation in nuclear power plants using FDS. 3rd International Conference on Computational Engineering and Science for Safety and Environmental Problems (COMPSAFE2020), MS03-4-05, 236-239, 2020.
Akihiro Matsuda, Shigeru Kawahara. Applicability of thermoplastic elastomers to impact load reduction in sports equipment. Proceedings of 13th Conference of the International Sports Engineering Association (ISEA 2020), 49(1), 163, 2020
Taisei Mori, Yohei Ogino, Akihiro Matsuda, Yumiko Funabashi. Evaluation of 3-axial knee joint torques produced by compression sports tights in running motion. Proceedings of 13th Conference of the International Sports Engineering Association (ISEA 2020), 49(1), 69, 2020.
Yuki Kimura, Kazuhito Kato, Akihiro Matsuda. Study on voxel finite element analysis of open-cell polyurethane foam. IOP conference series: Materials Science and Engineering, 548, 012010, 2019.
Akihiro Matsuda, Sho Oketani. 3-dimensional homogenization finite element analysis of foamed rubber. IOP conference series: Materials Science and Engineering, 548, 012012, 2019.
Naoki Yajima, Shigeru Kawahara, Akihiro Matsuda. Evaluation of impact absorbing properties of thermoplastic elastomers. IOP conference series: Materials Science and Engineering, 548, 012008, 2019.
Akitaka Nomoto, Hiroki Yasutaka, Sho Oketani, Akihiro Matsuda. 2-Dimensional homogenization FEM Analysis of hyperelastic foamed rubber. The Engineering of Sport 11, Procedia Engineering, 147, 431-436, 2016.
Hitoshi Aoki, Takatsugu Shimana, Hiroki Sato, Ryuma Yabuki, Akihiro Matsuda. Joint torque calculation of compression sports spats using anisotropic hyperelastic model. The Engineering of Sport 11, Procedia Engineering, 147, 257-262, 2016.