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★ARIHHP’s Recognition as Joint Usage / Research Center by MEXT was Reported by University of Tsukuba Newspaper

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★Professor Soya is going to appear on NHK-BS TV program

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★Our research project has been introduced in Tsukucomm.

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★The University of Tsukuba Newspaper published an article on Prof. Soya’s research

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★ Professor Takagi’s work is introduced in 科研費「研究成果トピックス」

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★ Professor Soya’s work is introduced in TV TOKYO “主治医が見つかる診療所スペシャル”

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★ ARIHHP’s work is introduced in The Nikkan Kogyo Shimbun

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★ Professor Soya’s work is introduced in Nature INDEX

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★ Professor Takagi’s work is introduced in Research Outreach

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★ Associate professor Yamagiwa’s work is introduced in University of Tsukuba Newspaper

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★ Professor Soya’s work is introduced in BS NHK premium

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★ Professor Soya’s work is introduced in Yomiuri Shinbun

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★ Professor Soya’s work is introduced in BS TV TOKYO Corporation

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★ Professor Takagi’s work is introduced in チコちゃんに叱られる! 2

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★ Professor Asai’s work is introduced in Inside Science

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★ Professor Soya’s work is introduced in Kodansha Bluebacks

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