日時: 2023年11月14日(火)17:00~19:00
場所: 筑波大学5C棟308
世話人: 角川 隆明 助教
Mathias Samson, Ph.D.(Associate Professor, Pprime Institute, University of Poitiers, France)
Raphaël Guignabel(PhD student, Pprime Institute, University of Poitiers, France)
Understand the flow to optimize the performance in swimming(Mathias Samson)
Analyze the resistive and propulsive mechanisms of swimmers using a robotized device(Raphaël Guignabel)
Competitive swimming aims to achieve high performance. For this, the swimmer must increase propulsive forces while decreasing the drag. Analyzing the flow around swimmers allows to understand the techniques. In such analyzing, it must be considered that the flow is very unsteady. Tools and knowledge have evolved in recent years and now make it possible to carry out such studies. This seminar will introduce the unsteady flow studies in swimming using CFD and CFD conducted in the P’laboratory.