★第56回 ARIHHP Human High Performance セミナー 11月25日開催
第56回 ARIHHP Human High Performance セミナーを開催します。
2019年11月25日(月)17:00 ~ 19:00
会場︓ 筑波大学 5C棟606
「Microbiota and its precision application on chronic diseases」
李忠霞(Zhongxia Li),
Ph.D. Assistant Researcher,
BGI Life Science Research Institution, China
世話人: 徳山 薫平(81858)
参加費: 無料
Studies on microbiota and human health are dramatically increased recently. These evidences imply that microbiota is one of the potential targets for prevention and control of chronic diseases. This seminar will review the recent research advances in this field, and introduce our project of using microbiota to treat one of chronic diseases, hyperuricemia, which refers to the abnormal high level of serum uric acid and has become a major scientific problem in China at present.
ゲノム解析で世界をリードするBGI(Nature 534:462, 2016)から講師をお招きしました。
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