★第55回 ARIHHP Human High Performance セミナー 10月9日開催
第55回 ARIHHP Human High Performance セミナーを開催します。
2019年10月9日(火)10:00 ~ 12:00
会場︓ 筑波大学 5C棟606
「Explaining individual variation in human heat exchange during exercise-heat stress
Sean Notley, Ph.D.
Postdoctoral Fellow,
University of Ottawa, Canada
世話人: 藤井 直人
参加費: 無料
To prevent continued rises in body temperature during exercise-heat stress, humans rely on evaporative and dry heat exchange. However, those heat exchanges vary greatly among people and within a given person. This seminar will describe recent advancements in our understanding of the factors explaining that variation, while providing attendees with an overview of the use direct calorimetry to assess whole-body heat exchange.
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