日時: 2022年11月2日(水)17:00~19:00
場所: 筑波大学5C棟108会議室
世話⼈: 藤井直⼈助教
講演者: Toby Mündel, Ph.D. (Associate Professor, Massey University, New Zealand)
講演タイトル: Do Estrogen and Progesterone Influence Thermoregulation? (エストロゲンとプロゲステロンは体温調節に影響を与えるか?)
講演概要: Thermoregulatory function in women is modulated by reproductive physiology, whereby changes in estrogen and progesterone characterise >60% of the global female population. However, our understanding of how these steroids influence human temperature regulation is incomplete as women remain underrepresented in this literature and >75% of articles involving women still do not define/verify ovarian hormone concentrations. This talk will present recent findings from our laboratory and future studies planned on advancing our understanding of the mechanisms underlying female thermoregulation.