日時: 2024年6月7日(金)17:00~19:00
場所: 筑波大学5C棟301
世話人: 榎本 靖士 准教授
講演者: Bruno WATIER, Ph.D.(JRL (AIST-CNRS),Tsukuba, Japan; LAAS-CNRS,Toulouse, France; Université de Toulouse 3, UPS,Toulouse, France;)
講演タイトル: Methods and quantifications in wheelchair sport performance
講演概要: The advent of Paralympic sports, particularly in the context of the Paris Games, naturally raises the question of performance criteria. In wheelchair sports, performance is multifactorial and depends on the athlete-chair combination. It is thus pertinent to consider the adaptation of the wheelchair to each athlete and the methods for evaluating overall performance.