★第58回 ARIHHP Human High Performance セミナー 1月20日開催

第58回 ARIHHP Human High Performance セミナーを開催します。

2020年1月20日(月)17:00 ~ 19:00
会場︓ 筑波大学 5C棟606



「How can athletes be ready for your Tokyo Summer Olympics? 」

Toby Mündel, Ph.D.

Associate Professor, Massey University, New Zealand


世話人: 藤井 直人(2675)
参加費: 無料



The 2020 Tokyo Summer Olympics are forecast to be the most heat-stressful Olympic Games in history. Using data from our laboratory, this talk will include:  i) the environmental heat likely encountered by athletes and how their physiological and perceptual responses will affect their performance, ii) how both male and female athletes respond to humid heat, including across menstrual cycle and with oral contraceptive pill, iii) how carbohydrate can help athletes prepare and recover, and iv) how a novel low-carbohydrate ice-slushie may aid New Zealand athletes.



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